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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SHOP BUZZ +cartoon of bee 9
SHOP JINIE +cartoon of face 35
SHOP YAARI +cartoon of men 35
SHREE DEVA symbol of purity 31, 35
SHREEJA symbol of quality 19
SHRI NATH plaster of paris 19
SHRI NATRAJ plaster of pari 19
SHUBHAM a house of silk 24
SHUDH BHOG +cartoon of chef 30
SIGMA choice of more people 11
SILVEROAK +face of man 33
SILWON a signature of purit 14
SIMBA +cartoon of lion 10, 21
SIMHA +cartoon of lion 30
SITA 1001 holidays of india 39, 42
SIX FOXES +cartoon of fox 9
SJ SHANTHI century of trust 14
SK sign of quality 30
SKATHY +cartoon of woman 41
SKILL MUNI +cartoon of man 9, 35, 41, 42
SKILLSCAPE +cartoon of man 41
SKOMAB +face of man 7
SKY plaster of paris 19
SLF building bricks of trus 35, 36, 37
SLOAN'S +face of man 5
SLUBAN +cartoon of boy 28
SLYLY SIMPLE +cartoon of do 30, 43
SMAART HOMES +cartoon of hu 43
SMART FUTURE +cartoon of bo 25
SMART SEWA +cartoon of man 10
SMARTNAGAR +cartoon of face 38
SMARTUR +cartoon of boy 9
SMARTY PET +cartoon of dog 31, 35
SMASHER +cartoon of boy 12
SMC a symbol of quality 19
SMISING BEE +cartoon of bee 25
SN +face of tiger 30
SNAQUICK +cartoon of chef 30
SNEHSTHALI +cartoon of lion 41
SNIFFER +cartoon of fox 41
SNOW BEAR +cartoon of bear 3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 21
SNOW WHITE plaster of paris 19
SNUGBUG CABS +cartoon of be 39
SOB itm school of business 35
SOBISCO taset of good healt 30
SOCHURAM +cartoon of boy 30
SOFT-school of financial te 41
SOFTYS a touch of emotion 28
SOMANI a house of suiting 24
SOMO PLAST plaster of paris 19
SONAL +cartoon of girl 28
SONIS +cartoon of tomato 30
SOS FIREGODS +cartoon of ma 16, 38, 41
SOS symbol of safety 9
SOTC 1001 holidays of india 39, 42
SOTC holidays of india 39, 42
SOUTH SHILPY taste of south 43
SPACETERIOR school of desig 41
SPANNY +cartoon of girl 41
SPARSH the touch of life 42
SPECO +cartoon of elephant 16
SPEZZATO colours of passion 25
SPICY BOX +cartoon of bird 43
SPINNER PLUS +cartoon of hu 3
SPOIEE +cartoon of tortoise 37, 41
SPOOKY 2 +cartoon of ghost 9
SPOORTHY +cartoon of man 30
SPOTTY +cartoon of panda 41
SPRINGER language of scienc 9, 16, 35, 39, 41
SPUKIES +cartoon of chef 43
SR FASHIONER +cartoon of bo 25
SRI RAM +face of man 7
SRI SRI the art of living 14, 16, 18, 27
SRIMANI symbol of trust 5
SRIRAM +ear of corn 1
SS symbol of quality +plant 30
SSB sangam school of busine 41
SSB taste of the temple cit 30
ST. MARTIN'S house of tea 30
STARCHIK +cartoon of bird 29
STAYOLOGY +cartoon of bird 35
STEP-I the power of interne 9
STERLAANS +cartoon of girl 25
STYLE ZONE +cartoon of girl 28
STYMERRA +cartoon of man 25
SUDDENLY +cartoon of monkey 16, 25, 28, 30, 41
SUGAR BUZZ +cartoon of bee 16, 17, 21, 25, 30, 35
SUGARAJ a mixture of cereal 30
SUMANGALI +face of girl 5
SUN-SIPS +cartoon of drop 5
SUNBABY +cartoon of bird 28
SUNSHINE +face of chef 29, 30
SUPER BEES +cartoon of bee 35
SUPER BHEEM +cartoon of boy 9
SUPER CHIC +cartoon of bird 16
SUPER HELP +cartoon of fox 1, 3
SUPER K +cartoon of boys 41
SUPER K +cartoons of boy 16
SUPER k +cartoons of boy 25, 30
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