Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
SHOP BUZZ +cartoon of bee |
9 |
SHOP JINIE +cartoon of face |
35 |
SHOP YAARI +cartoon of men |
35 |
SHREE DEVA symbol of purity |
31, 35 |
SHREEJA symbol of quality |
19 |
SHRI NATH plaster of paris |
19 |
SHRI NATRAJ plaster of pari |
19 |
SHUBHAM a house of silk |
24 |
SHUDH BHOG +cartoon of chef |
30 |
SIGMA choice of more people |
11 |
30 |
SILVEROAK +face of man |
33 |
SILWON a signature of purit |
14 |
SIMBA +cartoon of lion |
10, 21 |
SIMHA +cartoon of lion |
30 |
SITA 1001 holidays of india |
39, 42 |
SIX FOXES +cartoon of fox |
9 |
SJ SHANTHI century of trust |
14 |
SK sign of quality |
30 |
SKATHY +cartoon of woman |
41 |
SKILL MUNI +cartoon of man |
9, 35, 41, 42 |
SKILLSCAPE +cartoon of man |
41 |
SKOMAB +face of man |
7 |
SKY plaster of paris |
19 |
SLF building bricks of trus |
35, 36, 37 |
SLOAN'S +face of man |
5 |
SLUBAN +cartoon of boy |
28 |
SLYLY SIMPLE +cartoon of do |
30, 43 |
SMAART HOMES +cartoon of hu |
43 |
SMART FUTURE +cartoon of bo |
25 |
SMART SEWA +cartoon of man |
10 |
SMARTNAGAR +cartoon of face |
38 |
SMARTUR +cartoon of boy |
9 |
SMARTY PET +cartoon of dog |
31, 35 |
SMASHER +cartoon of boy |
12 |
SMC a symbol of quality |
19 |
SMISING BEE +cartoon of bee |
25 |
SN +face of tiger |
30 |
SNAQUICK +cartoon of chef |
30 |
SNEHSTHALI +cartoon of lion |
41 |
SNIFFER +cartoon of fox |
41 |
SNOW BEAR +cartoon of bear |
3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 21 |
SNOW WHITE plaster of paris |
19 |
SNUGBUG CABS +cartoon of be |
39 |
SOB itm school of business |
35 |
SOBISCO taset of good healt |
30 |
SOCHURAM +cartoon of boy |
30 |
SOFT-school of financial te |
41 |
SOFTYS a touch of emotion |
28 |
SOMANI a house of suiting |
24 |
SOMO PLAST plaster of paris |
19 |
SONAL +cartoon of girl |
28 |
SONIS +cartoon of tomato |
30 |
SOS FIREGODS +cartoon of ma |
16, 38, 41 |
SOS symbol of safety |
9 |
SOTC 1001 holidays of india |
39, 42 |
SOTC holidays of india |
39, 42 |
SOUTH SHILPY taste of south |
43 |
SPACETERIOR school of desig |
41 |
SPANNY +cartoon of girl |
41 |
SPARSH the touch of life |
42 |
SPECO +cartoon of elephant |
16 |
SPEZZATO colours of passion |
25 |
SPICY BOX +cartoon of bird |
43 |
SPINNER PLUS +cartoon of hu |
3 |
SPOIEE +cartoon of tortoise |
37, 41 |
SPOOKY 2 +cartoon of ghost |
9 |
SPOORTHY +cartoon of man |
30 |
SPOTTY +cartoon of panda |
41 |
SPRINGER language of scienc |
9, 16, 35, 39, 41 |
SPUKIES +cartoon of chef |
43 |
SR FASHIONER +cartoon of bo |
25 |
SRI RAM +face of man |
7 |
SRI SRI the art of living |
14, 16, 18, 27 |
SRIMANI symbol of trust |
5 |
SRIRAM +ear of corn |
1 |
SS symbol of quality +plant |
30 |
SSB sangam school of busine |
41 |
SSB taste of the temple cit |
30 |
ST. MARTIN'S house of tea |
30 |
STARCHIK +cartoon of bird |
29 |
STAYOLOGY +cartoon of bird |
35 |
STEP-I the power of interne |
9 |
STERLAANS +cartoon of girl |
25 |
STYLE ZONE +cartoon of girl |
28 |
STYMERRA +cartoon of man |
25 |
SUDDENLY +cartoon of monkey |
16, 25, 28, 30, 41 |
SUGAR BUZZ +cartoon of bee |
16, 17, 21, 25, 30, 35 |
SUGARAJ a mixture of cereal |
30 |
SUMANGALI +face of girl |
5 |
SUN-SIPS +cartoon of drop |
5 |
SUNBABY +cartoon of bird |
28 |
SUNSHINE +face of chef |
29, 30 |
SUPER BEES +cartoon of bee |
35 |
SUPER BHEEM +cartoon of boy |
9 |
SUPER CHIC +cartoon of bird |
16 |
SUPER HELP +cartoon of fox |
1, 3 |
SUPER K +cartoon of boys |
41 |
SUPER K +cartoons of boy |
16 |
SUPER k +cartoons of boy |
25, 30 |